A Guide to Cooking Oils
We’re taking a closer look at the huge selection of oils now readily available to consumers. With so many options to choose from, so many potential uses, and endless opinions on which are the most environmentally friendly varietals, it can be paralyzing to find the right oil for the right job and feel good about it. This quick guide aims to help!

Fizzy Funky Fresh: The Sequel
Last year we wrote a beginners guide to homemade kombucha, since then, we’ve gotten tons of stories and recommendations from our community, and learned a whole lot ourselves about some amazing tips and tricks to bring your booch to the next level and fine tune your brewing skills! So, without any further ado, we present Fizzy, Funky, Fresh: The Sequel.

Resource Guide for Supporting Indigenous Food Sovereignty
As we were putting the resources together for our anti-racism guide, we also reflected on the unique position of the American Indian Tribal Nations and their descendants in the United States, and the urgent need to highlight and uplift the voices of Indigenous led organizations working towards food sovereignty as well. Indigenous communities are leading the way to tribal sovereignty, food sovereignty, and the cultivation of traditional foodways—the cultural, social, and economic practices relating to the production and consumption of food. We hope you’ll use this collection of resources as a starting point for learning about Indigenous food and tribal sovereignty, and engage deeply with organizations in your local area and the land where you reside.

Have a Cuppa Tea
There is nothing quite like a cup of tea to warm me up at literally any time of day. It’s also a great option if you want to drink something warm without the intense jolt of caffeine that can come from a cup of coffee. We love the varied world of tea and how much there is to learn about all of these different types of plants, beverages, and the cultures behind them. We won’t go into too much of the history of tea in this article—there’s simply too much to cover—but we will go into some basics about the different types of tea, the environmental impacts, and things to consider when buying your own tea. Pour yourself a cup and enjoy this read with us!

Bananas: a story of clones and colonization
Bananas are deeply ingrained in American culture and are available in nearly every grocery store around the world. They are often one of the cheapest fruits in the produce aisle and available year round, but it wasn’t always that way. Bananas are the 4th largest crop in the world, with production covering about 477,000 hectares globally and weighing up to 5.4 million metric tons annually, according to the FAO. While bananas are available everywhere, from Walmart to bodegas, their rise to produce-popularity and global dominance is an epic story of global trade, investment, plant breeding and colonization.

One Man’s Trash: A Guide to Composting
Bona-fide compost expert, Oksana Bihun, breaks-down and demystifies everything you need to know about home-composting! Why you should do it, the different options you have if you decide to dive in, and how to maintain healthy compost for all of your green-thumb needs!
Cracking Open a Few Eggs
Are you vegetarian or flexitarian or whatever-atarian? Eggs can be a wonderful way to add protein to your diet through sustainable sourcing if you are not vegan, but there are often lots of labels without much clarity about what they mean. In this article we’ll cover why someone might opt to include eggs in their sustainable diet, how eggs can be part of a sustainable system. All the labels might leave your brain feeling a bit scrambled, but we hope this article helps clarify things a bit!

A Guide to Using Every Last Bit
I’m a firm believer that there is no such thing as “food scraps.” I also believe that once you see the world of use you can get out of every last morsel of an onion, a beet, a whole chicken, a head of broccoli, an orange, or an egg (just to name a few), there is simply no going back! You will never look at food that same way.

Thriving ‘in a Pickle’
Contributing author, Max Aronson, shares his pickle-filled up brining, an experience that opened the world of pickling up for him, and his own master-pickle guide.

Growing Sprouts? Yes!

Resource Guide for Anti-Racism Food Systems Work
We have made the commitment to dedicate our work to justice in our food system, and we want to use our small platform to elevate the work that so many anti-racist food and agriculture organization are already doing in our country. Grounded Grub is not claiming to lead the charge on anti-racist work in the food system. There are so many incredible individuals and organizations who are already doing this important work and we hope that we can amplify their voices so that our peers, particularly our white peers, can educate themselves and take action.

Marine Food Systems: Seafood Sustainably
This article explores seafood, the practices that drive the industry and its sustainability (or lack thereof), and what you can do to be a more sustainable seafood consumer!

Local Food Purchases, Food Safety, and COVID-19
Contributor Emma Volk shares updates on local food sourcing and farmers markets during the COVID-19 pandemic. She covers issues of food safety and food waste and how our complex systems are responding during this time of crisis, and how you can continue to support local sustainable food!

Fizzy Funky Fresh : Kombucha 101
I, like so many people I know, am borderline obsessed with Kombucha, but had no idea what it was or how it was made until fairly recently. This article breaks it down, and takes you along on my personal journey with this fizzy funky fresh drink!

Kitchen Gardening: Growing Large in Small Spaces
Contributor Paige Wager writes about gardening in apartments and small spaces and reflects on growing gardens as a child.
How I Quit Paper Towels and You Can Too
Not using disposable single-use products in the kitchen can be hard and seem daunting. Check out our easy tips-and-tricks for how to make getting rid of paper towels easy!

Package Free Plant Protein
When beginning to look into meat alternatives it can be really easy to get stuck in a “tofu rut” where we think tofu or other “meat replacements” are the only option when there is so much variety already out there to explore!

Deciphering Food Labels: Where to Start?
The grocery store can be overwhelming—how can you make sustainable decisions in a sea of labels?